Wet Winter and Above-Normal Precipitation Extend Burn Permit Period in CAL FIRE Amador-El Dorado Unit

El Dorado County, CA, June 13, 2023 - In response to the favorable weather conditions brought on by the area's wet winter and above-normal precipitation, Chief Mike Blankenheim of the CAL FIRE Amador-El Dorado Unit has announced a two-week extension for burn permits and residential debris burning within the unit according to a news release issued yesterday.
With fuel moistures at higher levels and cooler temperatures prevailing, residents are being encouraged to make the most of this extended period to continue their wildfire preparedness and defensible space efforts. Chief Blankenheim emphasized the importance of removing any dry vegetation around homes and properties, as well as taking preventive measures as fire season approaches and the landscape gradually dries out.
The chief explained, "There are many areas where debris burning is still very safe, as there is moisture in the ground and the vegetation is still green. However, if the vegetation in your particular location appears dried out or brown, or if you have any concerns, burning your debris may not be the most appropriate option. If there are concerns about dry fuels in your area, please refrain from burning debris."
CAL FIRE AEU will also continue implementing their ongoing fuels and forest projects, including prescribed burning, throughout the unit to further mitigate wildfire risks.
Residents must obtain residential burn permits for debris burning, which specifically allows for the burning of dry landscape vegetation originating from the landowner's property. However, it is important to note that household trash or construction debris is not permitted for burning. Before engaging in any burning activity, it is crucial to take outdoor precautions to prevent wildfires. These precautions include confirming permissive burn days, acquiring the necessary burn permits, maintaining a 10-foot clearance around burn piles, limiting pile size to 4 feet in diameter, having a shovel and water source readily available, ensuring adult supervision, never leaving the burn unattended, and refraining from burning during windy conditions.
It is essential for residents to be aware that burn restrictions may be imposed at any time based on current and predicted dry or windy weather conditions. Therefore, remaining vigilant and staying informed about local regulations is of utmost importance.
As the community takes advantage of this extended burn permit period, CAL FIRE AEU urges everyone to prioritize safety and exercise caution while conducting debris burning activities. By working together and taking preventive measures, residents can contribute to a safer and more resilient community in the face of potential wildfires.