Honor Guard
The fundamental purpose of the Honor Guard is to present last and final honors to El Dorado County Fire District Firefighters who have died in the “Line-of-Duty.”
The El Dorado County Fire District Honor Guard was established in 1997 by eight founding members: Gary Baldock, Jon Grissom, Mark Johnson, Matt Keck, Bruce Lacher, Ken Parker, Mike Pott and Randy Sager.
As representation of solidarity and respect for fallen firefighters, the Honor Guard is proud to participate in the National Fallen Firefighter ceremonies in Colorado Springs, Colorado as well as the California Firefighters Memorial Ceremony in Sacramento. The Honor Guard has brought a level of tradition and reverence to funerals and ceremonial events over the past 12 years.
Current members of the Honor Guard are Paul Dutch-Commander, Mike Hardy, Chadley Harris, Mark Johnson, Paul Lohan, Dave Mitchell, Ken Parker and Mike Pott. Two of our Honor Guard members also participate with the Sacramento Firefighters Pipe and Drums; Dave Mitchell and Mark Johnson.