Fire and Life Safety Inspections
About Fire and Life Safety Inspections

Fire District inspectors are primarily responsible for the inspection of existing occupancies for compliance with the California Fire Code (CFC), Title 19-California Code of Regulations, the California Health and Safety Code, the El Dorado County Fire Protection District Ordinance, applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and other approved national standards. Inspectors ensure compliance with the fire code operational permit requirements or other statutory requirements for annual fire and life safety inspections within certain occupancies.
A substantial workload for inspectors is the inspection of multi-family residential occupancies (apartments), public and private schools, residential care facilities for the elderly, nursing homes, child and adult day care facilities as required by state statute. Hospitals, jails and other detention facilities are inspected at the frequency required by state law. Additional occupancies where inspections are conducted pursuant to fire code operational permits include places of assembly (churches, restaurants, theaters, and concert venues), gas stations, repair garages, covered and open shopping malls, dry cleaners, aviation facilities, and lumber yards and woodworking plants.
Hazardous occupancies where storage of, or processes involving, hazardous materials exist, such as, industrial fabrication facilities, power generation plants, high piled storage and high rack storage facilities, are also inspected for compliance with fire code operational permit requirements. Fairs, festivals, temporary tent structures, haunted houses, filming and pyrotechnic events all require operational permits and add a seasonal workload to the fire prevention bureau during the spring, summer and autumn months.
For Assembly Bill 38 (AB38) required Defensible Space Inspections CLICK HERE.
Permits, Form and Information Sheets
Permit Applications
Information Sheets
- Extension Cord Safety Information
- Fair and Exhibit Requirements
- Addressing of Buildings
- Automatic Gates on Fire Access Roadways
- CA Title 14 Fire Safe Regulations
- Candle and Open Flame Devices
- Care Facility Having 6 or Fewer Clients
- Christmas Trees in Commercial Buildings
- Fire Safe Driveway Regulations
- Fire and Life Safety Business Inspection
- Emergency Access Ways
- FDC and PIV Install
- FDC and Valve Signage
- Fire Department Access During Construction
- Fire Extinguisher Placement
- Fire Watch
- Haunted House
- Installation of Fire Sprinkler
- Installation of Residential Fire Sprinkler Standard
- KNOX Box, Key Switch and Padlock Requirements
- KNOX High Security Knox Box Handout
- Large Family Day Care
- Multi Family Cooking on Balconies
- No Parking Fire Lane Standard
- School Decorative Materials
- Solar Photovoltaic Installation Standard
- Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Firefighting updated 03/2022