About Us
The El Dorado County Fire Protection District proudly serves the communities of:
Apple Hill, Camino, Coloma, Cool, Gold Hill, Kyburz, Lotus, Oak Hill, Pacific House, Pilot Hill, Placerville, Pleasant Valley, Pollock Pines, Salmon Falls, Shingle Springs, Sierra Springs, Silver Fork, Strawberry, Texas Hill and Twin Bridges with a population of approximately 74,000 residents in 281 square miles.

The Fire District is located in the Mother Lode along US Highway 50 between Sacramento and South Lake Tahoe, California. Lying on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, the Fire District is comprised of grassy hills, brushy valleys and heavy timber. The District begins in the lower foothills near Salmon Falls at an altitude of 500 feet and ends well into the Sierras at Twin Bridges, an elevation of over 6,000 feet. Many of the homes protected by the District are nestled in wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas. Situated in the center of the Fire District is the City of Placerville, the county seat — a 20 square mile urban area with small town flair.
The El Dorado County Fire Protection District is an independent special district governed by a locally elected five-member board of directors. The Fire District is not a city, county or state government entity. Charged with a $15.8 million dollar budget, the 72 uniformed personnel and 3 support staff operate from five staffed and seven unstaffed firehouses, protecting over $6.2 billion in assessed valuation. The Fire District oversees a CAL FIRE Amador contract to operate a fire station in the Camino area. The Fire District operates four of the eight Western Slope El Dorado County Emergency Services Authority (JPA) Advanced Life Support ambulances.
For a map of all fire districts in El Dorado County click below:
fire districts map.pdf